Part | RoHS | Manufacturer | Amplifier Type | Temperature Grade | Terminal Form | No. of Terminals | Package Code | Package Shape | Total Dose (V) | Package Body Material | Nominal Unity Gain Bandwidth | Maximum Negative Supply Voltage Limit | Maximum Input Offset Voltage | Surface Mount | Maximum Analog Input Voltage | No. of Functions | Technology | Screening Level | Nominal Common Mode Reject Ratio | Maximum Supply Current | Nominal Negative Supply Voltage (Vsup) | Minimum Isolation Voltage | Packing Method | Nominal Supply Voltage / Vsup (V) | Power Supplies (V) | Package Style (Meter) | Package Equivalence Code | Sub-Category | Maximum Non Linearity | Maximum Supply Voltage Limit | Terminal Pitch | Maximum Operating Temperature | Minimum Analog Input Voltage | Maximum Common Mode Voltage | Minimum Voltage Gain | Minimum Operating Temperature | Terminal Finish | Terminal Position | JESD-30 Code | Maximum Voltage Gain | Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) | Maximum Seated Height | Width | Qualification | Nominal Bandwidth (3dB) | JESD-609 Code | Maximum Time At Peak Reflow Temperature (s) | Peak Reflow Temperature (C) | Length |
An isolation amplifier is an electronic device that provides electrical isolation between the input and output signals. They are used to measure signals in a noisy or hazardous environment while protecting sensitive measurement equipment and operators from electrical hazards.
An isolation amplifier typically consists of two amplifier stages and an isolation barrier between them. The first stage is used to buffer the input signal, and the second stage is used to amplify the signal to the desired level. The isolation barrier provides electrical isolation between the input and output signals by using optical, magnetic, or capacitive coupling. This isolation protects the measurement equipment and operators from the hazards of the environment, such as high voltages, ground loops, or electromagnetic interference.
Isolation amplifiers are commonly used in a wide range of applications, such as in power electronics, motor control, and measurement systems. They are particularly useful in industrial and medical applications where high voltage or current is present, and where accurate measurement of small signals is required.
One of the main advantages of isolation amplifiers is their ability to provide electrical isolation between the input and output signals, which enhances safety and reduces the risk of electrical shock. Additionally, isolation amplifiers can provide high levels of accuracy and precision in measurement applications, making them an ideal choice for applications where signal integrity is critical.