Part | RoHS | Manufacturer | Converter Type | Temperature Grade | Terminal Form | No. of Terminals | Package Code | Package Shape | Package Body Material | No. of Analog In Channels | Surface Mount | Maximum Supply Voltage | Maximum Analog Input Voltage | No. of Functions | Technology | Screening Level | No. of Bits | Maximum Settling Time | Maximum Supply Current | Maximum Linearity Error (EL) | Input Format | Nominal Supply Voltage | Power Supplies (V) | Nominal Negative Supply Voltage | Package Style (Meter) | Package Equivalence Code | Minimum Supply Voltage | Terminal Pitch | Maximum Operating Temperature | Minimum Operating Temperature | Terminal Finish | Terminal Position | JESD-30 Code | Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) | Maximum Seated Height | Width | Qualification | JESD-609 Code | Maximum Time At Peak Reflow Temperature (s) | Peak Reflow Temperature (C) | Length | Input Bit Code |
Other function converters are specialized electronic devices that perform signal conversion and processing for specific applications. These converters are designed to provide a specific function or task, such as frequency-to-voltage conversion, voltage-to-frequency conversion, or power-to-frequency conversion.
Frequency-to-voltage converters (FVCs) are electronic devices that convert an input frequency signal into an output voltage signal. FVCs are used in applications such as tachometers, speedometers, and frequency counters. Voltage-to-frequency converters (VFCs) are electronic devices that convert an input voltage signal into an output frequency signal. VFCs are used in applications such as waveform generators, signal conditioning circuits, and measurement systems.
Power-to-frequency converters (PFCs) are electronic devices that convert an input power signal into an output frequency signal. PFCs are used in applications such as power monitoring, energy harvesting, and renewable energy systems.
Other function converters may include specialized converters, such as temperature-to-frequency converters, current-to-frequency converters, or phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers. These converters are designed to perform specific signal conversion and processing tasks, depending on the application and the required performance.