Part | RoHS | Manufacturer | RF or Microwave Device Type | Mounting Feature | No. of Terminals | Maximum Input Power (CW) | Maximum Voltage Standing Wave Ratio | Construction | Characteristic Impedance | Maximum Operating Temperature | Minimum Operating Temperature | Terminal Finish | Maximum Insertion Loss | Additional Features | JESD-609 Code | Minimum Operating Frequency | Maximum Operating Frequency |
RF/Microwave isolators and circulators are two types of passive electromagnetic devices that are commonly used in RF and microwave systems. These devices are used to control the flow of electromagnetic energy in a system, and are essential for isolating and protecting components from unwanted signal reflections.
An isolator is a two-port device that allows electromagnetic energy to flow in only one direction. It is typically used to protect RF and microwave components, such as amplifiers, from reflected energy and to improve the overall performance of a system. Isolators are used in a variety of applications, including radar systems, communication systems, and test and measurement equipment.
A circulator is a three-port device that allows electromagnetic energy to flow in a specific sequence through the ports. The energy entering port 1 is directed to port 2, while the energy entering port 2 is directed to port 3, and so on. Circulators are typically used to isolate and protect components from unwanted signal reflections, as well as to provide a means of combining and separating signals in a system. They are commonly used in microwave and RF communication systems, as well as in satellite and radar systems.