Altran Magnetics, Inc. (AMI) is one of the leading companies producing and supplying Electromagnetic Interference Filters (EMI) for squashing paramagnetic sounds caused by convection. 

These Filters help to generate accurate and uninterrupted power frequency and also get rid of unneeded power current generated from the power lines. 

Altran Magnetics produces unique and standard products. Additionally, The company is the first to make the most comprehensive EMI Filters in North America.

Altran Magnetics supplies power line Filters, three-phase, and Power Entry Modules. In addition, Altran Magnetic teams help customize any of their products according to customers’ needs and specifications. 

For three decades, the company has never failed to produce and supply beautiful EMI Filters for industry, health centers, and individuals. Altran Magnetics, Inc. offers excellent and lasting solutions to electrical problems by manufacturing an extensive range of scope motors, filters, and photoelectric controllers.